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送交者: BBkiller[♀品衔R2☆♀] 于 2021-05-05 21:26 已读 1177 次  


To contain China or not, that is the question for American officials and analysts as President  6park.com

Joe Biden
’s new administration ponders how to respond to what it sees as the most significant challenge facing the 
United States


Of the flurry of proposals churned out by US think tanks, the strategy paper titled “The Longer Telegram: Toward A New American China Strategy” published by the Atlantic Council late last month has raised some eyebrows among China watchers both in  6park.com

 and the US.


That is partly because the author, self-described as a former senior US official with deep China expertise and experience, has modelled the lengthy paper on the American diplomat George Kennan’s better known “The Long Telegram” in 1946. In more than 5,000 words, Kennan outlined the strategy of “containment” of the Soviet Union the US government was to adopt as the corner stone of its Cold War policies, which contributed to the eventual collapse of communist rule four decades later. 6park.com


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