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Asians do not to allow themselves to be pushed around
送交者: 歪仔[布衣] 于 2021-04-20 20:42 已读 45 次  


回答: 保护奶奶 亚裔不吃闫丽梦们这一套 由 huyanglin111 于 2021-04-19 23:52

Recently, there have been frequent attacks against Asians, especially vulnerable Asians in the United States. On March 17th, a video of 76-year-old Asian woman Xie Xiaozhen being punched in the eye by a white man caused a lot of media and public attention. In fact, in January this year, a 91-year-old man in Oakland's Chinatown was pushed to the ground and accused of contracting COVID-19; MSN News reported on March 15 that Nancy Tang, an 83-year-old Asian woman, was spat on, punched and called a "Chinese virus" by a white middle-aged man in Plains; and NBC News reported that some people in the U.S. had launched an online challenge “slap Asians” to incite random attacks by teenagers on Public Transportation in San Francisco. It is specifically targeted at Asian seniors and women. On the 19th, a 58-year-old Asian woman was harassed by several young people on a bus. With the spread of the COVID-19, more and more such incidents follow. The nongovernmental organization “Stop AAPI Hate” received 2,800 reports in 2020, of which about 240 involved physical assault. Since last year, when AAPI Emergency Response Network began tracking hate incidents directly linked to the COVID-19 disease, more than 3,000 reports have been received. Asian-Americans being spat, beaten, cut and even thrown chemicals. 
"Asian=virus" is not an innate belief, it is a man-made misunderstanding and a source of discrimination and violence against the Asian community.
In an interview with The New York Times, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the previous administration's accusation that the new virus was "Wuhan virus" had led to inaccurate and unfair perceptions of the Asian-American community had increased the threat to Asian-Americans. Dr Ben Embarek, head of the WHO Group on COVID-19 Traceability, stated on behalf of WHO that the origin of COVID-19 has not been identified. The "Wuhan Virus" stigma is just a politician Bannon's attempt to get votes and distract attention from the Trump administration's failure to control the epidemic.
As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States continued to rise last year, Bannon was looking for excuses to blame for the failure to control the epidemic. and Guo Wengui, Bannon's longtime friend and illegal tycoon, is also frustrated that he can’t find a way to concoct Chinese crimes and gain asylum from far-right groups in the United States from deportation. As a result, years of close alliances led the two men to work together. They conduct Yan Limeng, a female scholar at the University of Hong Kong to accept a YouTube interview with Luther to launch a conspiracy theory that the origin of the COVID-19 is a "chemical and biological weapon of the Communist Party of China." However, Yan Li Meng's research experience of COVID-19 has been rejected by her mentor Mr. Keiji Fukuda, Dean of the Hong Kong University School of Public Health, and declared that Yan's comments were rumors. Yan Li meng, Guo Wengui, and Bannon's conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 were also exposed by the New York Times. But the rumor that "the epidemic came from Asia" spread widely in American like a virus, causing misunderstandings of the Asian-American community in white American society. Many Asians heard that taunt during that time:
"It was Asians who caused the COVID-19."
"The outbreak of COVID-19 is Asian’s fault."
"Asians should go back to their place." ...
The idea of "Asian=virus" has been misguided into all segments of American society, and violence against Asian-American groups, especially the elderly and women, has become frequent. The United States is a free, equal, fraternity society. Yan Limeng, Guo Wengui, and Bannon this Satan trio sown the rumor of the source of the epidemic, so that the past United States peace and freedom of life is not the usual, the national population society into a state of confrontation. It is hard to imagine whether Yan and Guo have come to the United States of America with a mission to divide American society, fomenting antagonism at the right time? 6park.com

The Asian community is no longer silent!Joined the group to seek warmth, actively save itself and fight for rights
In fact, as early as two years ago, a well-known pastor, lawyer and scholar Mr. Zhang Xun exposed Guo Wengui's false nature in his personal Twitter, YouTube, and reminded netizens do not trust Guo Wengui's tricks repeatedly. But many netizens ignored Mr. Zhang's good intentions. Recently, the well-meaning Asian community has ceased to be silent on hatred, violence, epidemic rumors. There are enthusiastic netizens to launch a crowdfunding campaign for Xie Xiaozhen granny medical expenses. There are well-known Chinese-American lawyers launched the "National Chinese Federation for Rights Protection" for all Chinese-American in the United States who suffering from racial discrimination and hate attacks litigation. Marches with the theme 'Stop Asian Hate' were held across the United States, with the banner "ASIAN IS NOT VIRUS, IS", to defend the reputation of the Asian community as not a virus, prominent politician. New York City mayor, Chinese-American candidate Yang An’ze took the initiative to attend the "Stop Asian Hate" rally, street speeches called for an end to hatred of Asian Americans.The kind-hearted and cash-strapped granny Xie Xiaozhen gave back to the Asian community the millions of dollars she received from online crowdfunding, hopes that the Asian community would unite to resist the stigma of Asian is a virus, fight against racism, and fight for the equal rights of the Asian community in the American society. 6park.com

Take action and go to the office where the rumors of the outbreak are coming
While granny and more Asians were beaten and shot, the rumors of an outbreak led to the Asian community being misunderstood and hurt by the fact that the culprits were sitting in their comfort zones as innocent people enjoying the pleasures of human blood. 6park.com

Seventy-year-old granny should not be beaten, Asian groups should not be inexplicably shot and killed, deluded to violence of white people are also innocent. All they are by Guo Wengui, Yu Limeng and other scourges, no one should be blamed for the racial conflicts created by Guo Wengui and others. Whites, blacks, and yellows should all act, Otherwise the "cop knee-jerk death of Freud" affair might have come to Asians. The brothers must act together to end the stigma of the epidemic original. There is news shows that some netizens have launched a trip to Guo Wengui's residence to pull up a call to resist the spread of rumors of the epidemic.
Indeed, we should not be silent groups, rights are fought out. To Guo Wengui, Bannon's residence to pull up the "ASIAN IS NOT A VIRUS, RACISM IS", “Guo Wengui, Bannon do not spread false rumors which harm the Asian community" banner; to The Luther, Yan Mengli’s YouTube platform to brush the screen "protect Grandma, Asians do not to allow themselves to be pushed around by The Yan Limeng” subtitles, so that these evils self-indulgent, feel our anger, severely punished. Thus the Asian community will not be hurt by discrimination and violence because of rumors of a COVID-19 outbreak, and American society will be able to return to normal life from the vortex of racial discrimination. 6park.com

“Justice gathering against the stigma of the epidemic original causing the victimization of Asians”
Time: 09:00 am. Wednesday, March.24th 2021.
Address: Shirley Holland Building, No. 781, Fifth Avenue, New York City (Guo Wengui lives on the 18th floor).
“STAND UP, FIGHT BACK!” Guo Wengui, Bannong, Yan Mengli and Luther spreaded the rumor that the COVID-19 came from Asia without scientific basic, which incurs Asian people are unjustifiably discriminated against and harmed by violence in the American society. Asians are not carriers of the virus. We reject the guilty verdict. It's time to stand up for ourselves and shut down the rumors of an epidemic, just like in San Francisco, Mrs. Chen bravely defended herself against the bullies. Hold up banners ”SHUT UP YOUR FAKE NEWS ABOUT COVID-19” to debunk Guo Wengui's rumors 6park.com

At the end of the article, thanks to President Joe Biden for the statement in the face of growing Asian-American injuries: Will urge Congress to pass the “COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act” as soon as possible to address violent crime and discrimination against Asian-Americans in the United States during the epidemic
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