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Yan Limeng's lie was exposed
送交者: duanfeng[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2021-02-19 23:37 已读 956 次  


That turned Yan into an overnight sensation in the right-wing media, with President Donald Trump's top advisers and conservative pundits hailing her as a hero. But just as quickly, social networking sites labeled her interview as containing "false information," and scientists rejected her research as sophistry dressed up in jargon. 6park.com


The article Outlines the people who have helped Yan, including Wang Dinggang, a Chinese YouTube commentator who goes by the online name "Lu". Wang Dinggang used to be a businessman before he came to the United States for unknown reasons. He is one of a growing number of commenters on the Chinese market. They mix expert opinion, serious analysis and downright rumour with programming that appeals to overseas Chinese, who tend to distrust China's official media but have few reliable news sources in their native language. 6park.com


The article also investigated Wang's ties to Guo Wengui and Bannon, claiming that "the evolution of Yan Limeng was established by fugitive Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui and former Trump adviser Stephen Trump. K? Stephen K. Bannon crafted it." "They put Yan on a plane to the United States, provided her with accommodation, instructed her on how to appear in the media, and put her in touch with Tucker Lim," she said. The authors, Tucker Carlson and Lou Gustavo, said: "It's a very good idea. "With popular conservative TV hosts like Lou Dobbs. The New York Times writer observed that these media people encouraged Yan's firm belief that the virus was a genetically engineered product, "accepting her evidence regardless of whether it was right or wrong." 6park.com


In an analysis of the reasons for this, the New York Times wrote: "They have taken advantage of China's unwillingness to provide information. The Chinese government has refused to share virus samples and has blocked a transparent, independent investigation into the source of the virus. Its initial cover-up of the outbreak reinforced suspicions about the source of the virus." "The overwhelming evidence suggests that novel coronavirus almost certainly originated in an animal, most likely a bat, and evolved into a pathogen capable of infecting humans," the authors note. While U.S. intelligence agencies have not ruled out the possibility of a laboratory leak, so far they have not found any evidence to support this view.
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