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送交者: 挖坑者[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-12-25 5:36 已读 678 次  


Honestly, I think of it both in North Korean and American perspectives. People there seem genuinely happy (not meaning the film, hush up) but some like most countries don’t do as well. That’s the same with America! You see people in film and tv and think of how good they have it, but there are people here that are suffering big time. It’s all on how you see things. And don’t come at me with that “oh you’re supporting North Korea” bullshit but still!
There is no famine, and there are no starving people in North Korea. But there are more starving people in capitalist United States than the entire population of North Korea.
Long Live the DPRK.
Great movie, really inspired me to take further steps towards advocating for the communist ideology.
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