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送交者: 至暗时刻的抉择[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2020-12-14 21:42 已读 966 次 1 赞  



Treasury, Commerce departments hacked. Pentagon, NASA is also compromised. This is an ongoing investigation, and will be updating. DHS once again asleep at the wheel.

needs to purge the department heads they are worthless.
Hackers broke into the networks of the Treasury and Commerce departments as part of a global cyber espionage campaign.They accessed those networks by slipping malware into a SolarWinds software update, according to the global cybersecurity firm FireEye, which was also compromised.FireEye is another one of these government contractors that our intel farms out, which is insane as far as I'm concerned. CIA asleep at the wheel as well. This is why we need the Military in charge of our intel, and stop farming out security of our country.FireEye is a publicly traded cybersecurity company headquartered in Milpitas, California found by a Pakistani named Ashar Aziz. You'ld think we'd learn our lesson about this, but we never do.
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