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美南民众手机联络 川普政府即将军事戒严
送交者: 文起[♂★★★道济天下★★★♂] 于 2020-12-11 21:17 已读 16268 次 12 赞  


    我看到后借助谷歌翻译软件,但在此过程中,发生有趣的一件事,文中有这么一段话:“Chinese spies have been identified IN CONGRESS.”,意为中国间谍已被确定潜伏在国会,但是用谷歌,翻译成中文永远是这样一句话:“中国间谍已被确定为间谍”,最后我只好用手工打字矫正过来。大家不妨用谷歌翻译试一下,是不是这么回事! 6park.com

文章的内容: 6park.com

得克萨斯州,阿肯色州,阿拉巴马州,佛罗里达州,肯塔基州,路易斯安那州,密西西比州,南卡罗来纳州和南达科他州向最高法院提起诉讼,指控宾夕法尼亚州,密歇根州,威斯康星州和乔治亚州进行了违反美国宪法的非法选举。 6park.com

五角大楼工作的消息来源证实:“很快,特朗普将接管国家广播系统...听并遵循指示...不要惊慌...我们的军事,执法和其他伟大爱国者都得到了这一点。我们将战胜敌人……,2020年川普。” 6park.com

中国已在劳克林空军基地附近购买了13万英亩土地; 6park.com

中国间谍已被确定潜伏在国会; 6park.com

已确认在美国的选举中心收到了中国包裹服务; 6park.com

中国领导人本周夸耀了自己在美国政治中的影响力和控制力; 6park.com

拜登已被确认与中共有联系,以及包括GA的州长坎普在内的许多高级官员都是如此。 6park.com

在2017年的一段视频中,POTUS在椭圆形办公室表示“暴风雨来了”。 昨天和今天,第82空降兵部队分别在2个社交媒体中发布了消息…… 1.)“风暴来了。 #CombatReady。” 2.)“今天为魔鬼风暴做最后准备...早晨开始于联合武器演练(CAR)-计划行动的旅队演练,在此期间,许多进攻部队指挥官以及有关领导人一起简要介绍了团队执行任务的基本计划。当天,所有参加战斗的伞兵将接受持续空降训练(SAT)结束。风暴正在降临...看着它在本周展开! #StrikeHold #AATW #DIBP #DevilStorm” 6park.com

情报指出可能在12月14日或之前宣布戒严法。情报机关面对大量涌来的各种报告,描述高级职位的民主党人和中共阴谋合作,并与中共一起采取行动窃取了2020年大选,正试图推翻我们的政权,使之成为共产主义的国家。 6park.com

军事和海军运动: 6park.com

在过去四天中,在美国境内内发生了大规模的部队调动以及装备和补给活动。今天(星期二),美国海军正在将航空母舰打击力量部署于美国东西部海岸。看来我们正准备为入侵防御自己,最有可能的来自于中国。星期六晚些时候,至少有25架C-17飞机升空在美国上空,运送着来自全国各地的部队和装备。 。 。全部都去内利斯空军基地(Nellis Air Base,在内华达州的拉斯维加斯,美国空军作战中心)。 6park.com

同样在周六晚些时候,不少于12架C-130运输机也在飞行中,所有飞机也都进入了内利斯。 6park.com

周日,内利斯及其周边地区的当地人报告说,该基地正在与士兵和海军陆战队“蜂拥而至”。他们还报告说,看到大量陆上战斗车辆从货机中开出。 6park.com

今天上午,根据美国海军研究所的资料,海军已部署了三艘航空母舰打击群,外加美国西海岸外的着陆直升机平台(LHD),以及两个航空母舰及其打击群,另外还有一艘LHD部署在美国东海岸。 6park.com

西海岸外是:1)太平洋上沿俄勒冈州/华盛顿边境的卡尔·文森号,2)旧金山沿岸的埃塞克斯直升机平台(LHD),3)罗斯福号及其打击小组部署在洛杉矶 外海。 。 。 6park.com

东部沿海地区是:1)康涅狄格州沿海的艾森豪威尔号航空母舰,2)新泽西州沿海的福特号航空母舰;3)南卡罗来纳州的硫磺岛号直升机平台。。 。 。 6park.com

下面的地图列出了船只的大致位置:鉴于这些新的海军部署,以及大量,突然的部队调入内利斯空军基地,人们给人的印象是美国正准备保卫自己的祖国免遭实际入侵 6park.com

(可惜收到的短信没有地图) 6park.com

附英文原稿: EVERYONE needs to read this.  Stay informed. Scary times we're in. Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and South Dakota file suit at the Supreme Court charging Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia for unlawful elections which violate the US Constitution. Source who works for the Pentagon confirms: “Soon, Trump will take over the National Broadcast System...Listen and follow Instructions...Don't Panic...Our Military, Law Enforcement and other Great Patriots got this. We will Prevail...Trump 2020.” China has purchased 130k ACRES of land near Laughlin AFB (even the MSM is confirming this). Chinese spies have been identified IN CONGRESS. Chinese Parcel Services have been confirmed being received at election centers in US. Chinese leaders have bragged this week of their influence and control in American politics. Biden has been confirmed as tied to CCP as well as many high-level US Officials including GA’s Gov Kemp. In 2017 a video shows POTUS stating in Oval Office “a storm is coming.” Yesterday and today the 82nd Airborne posted in 2 separate social media posts... 1.) “A Storm is coming. #CombatReady.” 2.) “Final preparations today for Devil Storm... The morning started with the Combined Arms Rehearsal (CAR) - the Brigade walk-through of the planned operation, during which Company/Battery/Troop commanders, along with sustainment leaders, brief the team on the base plan of executing the mission. The day closes out with Sustained Airborne Training (SAT) for all Paratroopers who will be jumping into the fight. The Storm is upon us...watch it unfold this week! #StrikeHold #AATW #DIBP #DevilStorm” Intel points to potential martial law being declared by or on December 14th. Intel is overwhelming that high-ranking Democrats AND Republicans have conspired and acted in conjunction with the CCP to steal the 2020 election and that the CCP is attempting to overthrow our government and instill Communism. 6park.com


Over the past four days, there have been MASSIVE movements of troops, equipment and supplies WITHIN the continental United States (CONUS).  Today (Tue.), the US Navy is positioning Aircraft carriers and their strike groups off both the US east and west coasts.  It appears we are preparing to defend ourselves from an invasion.  China?Late Saturday, no fewer than 25 C-17 aircraft were in the skies over the USA, carrying troops and equipment from around the nation . . . ALL going to Nellis Air Force Base. Also late Saturday, no fewer than 12 C-130 aircraft were also on the move, ALSO ALL heading into Nellis. 6park.com

On Sunday, locals on and around Nellis reported the base was "swarming" with soldiers and Marines.  They also reported seeing a vast array of land fighting vehicles coming out of cargo aircraft. This morning, according the the US Naval Institute, the Navy has deployed THREE (3) Aircraft Carriers, plus a Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) off the US West Coast, and TWO (2) Aircraft carriers and their Strike Groups plus another LHD off the US East Coast. 6park.com

Off the West Coast is the USS Carl Vinson in the Pacific (NOT AT PORT) along the Oregon/Washington Border, the USS Essex (LHD) off the coast of San Francisco, and the USS Theodore Roosevelt and its Strike Group off the coast of Los Angeles . . . 6park.com

Off the EastCoast are the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower off the Coast of Connecticut, the USS Gerald R. Ford off the coast of New Jersey, and the USS Iwo Jima off the coast of South Carolina . . . 6park.com

The map below lays out the approximate location of the vessels: Given these new naval deployments, and the very large, sudden, movement of troops into Nellis AFB, one gets the impression that the United States is preparing to defend its homeland from actual invasion. 
贴主:文起于2020_12_11 21:21:13编辑

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