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Trump will definitely liquidate Biden's fraud
送交者: 不偏不倚[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2020-11-12 22:41 已读 728 次 2 赞  


The delay in counting votes for the presidential campaign was caused by Biden's large-scale organized fraud in various states. Biden will inevitably fail completely! The result of his election is absolutely impossible, but it is extremely possible to go to prison. This is the first time that large-scale organized presidential campaign fraud has occurred in the United States. The incident is extremely serious! It is a political incident, a criminal incident. The reason why Biden is so crazy is that he is supported by Xi Jinping's money; he has the support of the pro-communist consortium in the United States; and he has the support of the pro-communist media. This presidential election is a total outburst of Communist Party bandit Xi Jinping's attempts to subvert and overthrow the American system. It is a complete coup! Trump will definitely liquidate Biden's fraud and safeguard American democracy! 6park.com

由于拜登在各州进行的大规模有组织的欺诈活动,导致总统竞选的点票工作延迟。 拜登不可避免地会彻底失败!他当选的结果是绝对不可能的,但极有可能要坐牢。 这是在美国首次发生大规模的有组织的总统竞选舞弊。 这件事非常严重! 这是政治事件,是犯罪事件。 拜登之所以如此疯狂,是因为习近平的钱支持了他。 他得到了美国亲共产党联盟的支持; 他得到了亲共产主义媒体的支持。 这次总统大选完全是共产党匪徒习近平试图颠覆和推翻美国体系的企图。 这是一次彻底的政变! 特朗普一定会清算拜登的欺诈行为,维护美国民主!
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