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送交者: 中联部更飚[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-09-19 0:50 已读 773 次 1 赞  


And the core part of it is that the backbone that they used to build this virus is a bat virus discovered and owned exclusively by the China Communist Party military lab. Plus she also gave detailed instruction about how this virus was built in the lab.
Regarding to CCP's claim that it was leaked by accident, Dr.Yan said that it had zero chance of leaking from those labs given their security level, based on her own working experience in HK which was a lab with same security level.
She was working in P3 lab and the lab Zhengli Shi worked was P4 lab which has even higher level protection procedures than P3. So it’s impossible for a leak as CCP claimed.
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