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送交者: WarNuse[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-09-10 7:55 已读 498 次  


苍天笑,拔剑斩红妖:Feinchistein about to go down

BREAKING: FBI Moves On Dem Senator Dianne Feinstein- Orders Her To Hand Over Documents on Her Husband’s Stock Trades

https://www.ammoland.com/2019/01/no-investigation-senator-feinsteins-chinese-spy/ 6park.com

================================================= 6park.com

How about the Chinese spy who ran her office for 20 years?? Let's see the stuff on that... 6park.com

She had a Chinese spy for years working fo her, nothing ever happens to these swamp creatures.
He also needs to hand over documents relating to the billion-dollar California High-Speed Rail deal. What happened to all that money? There is no High-Speed Rail. 6park.com

If California ever got proper senators, we'd be great again 6park.com

I would say this took too long to get rolling, but with the election right around the corner, I have to say brilliant move

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