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送交者: 总统他爹[★品衔R5★] 于 2020-06-22 16:47 已读 538 次 1 赞  


前政协委员王瑞琴与亲属断绝关系的声明 Public Declaration by CPPCC Former Member Wang Ruiqin Denouncing Relations with Her Relatives
本人王瑞琴, 系中华人民共和国公民,于2020年5月21日中国两会召开时,发表《致全国人大代表和政协委员的一封公开信》后,在中国的家人及亲属受到中共政府相关部门有计划的恶意骚扰,严重影响其正常的工作和生活。此外公司资产被冻结、财务票据悉数扣查运行受阻。鉴于此, 本人谨郑重声明如下:本人与所有亲属断绝关系,不再往来,包括但不限于以下所列:孩子及其家人;所有同胞兄弟姐妹及其家人;所有具有血缘关系的族亲及其家人等。本人追求民主反对暴政,所涉言行举止皆系个人行为,与他人无干,对此本人承担全部责任。株连无辜,人所不齿,不会奏效。



Public Declaration by CPPCC Former Member Wang Ruiqin Denouncing Relations with Her Relatives
June 22, 2020
I am Wang Ruiqin, a citizen of the People’s Republic of China. After I
sent “an Open Letter to Delegates of the National People’s Congress and
CPPCC Members” on May 21, 2020 during the Two Sessions, my families and
relatives have been maliciously and intentionally harassed and even
seriously affected their normal daily work and life. In addition, my
company’s assets were frozen, and all financial bills and operation were
detained for inspection.

Because of this situation, I would like to make a solemn statement as
such, that I  have severed relations with all relatives and no longer
have contacts with them, including but not only limited to the
following: children and their families; all siblings and their families;
all blood-related relatives and their families.

I pursue democracy and oppose tyranny. All the words and deeds
involved are my personal behaviors and have nothing to do with others. I
will full responsibility for this. Please do not bother the innocent
people since such actions are to be despised, and shall not work.

Hereby I make this declaration.

Wang Ruiqin

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