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法院结论, not very positive good news to 孟女士
送交者: 江湖红尘[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2020-05-27 13:41 已读 192 次  


回答: 判决结果 由 Hegal.zhang 于 2020-05-27 13:20

(法院)结论 (Machine translatipn)
[88]关于所提出的法律问题,我的结论是,就法律而言,引渡的双重犯罪要求能够在这种情况下得到满足。 美国制裁的影响可能会在双重犯罪分析中适当发挥作用,作为对涉嫌行为进行审查的背景或背景的一部分。 6park.com

[89]孟女士的申请因此被驳回。 6park.com

[90] 根据法令s.29(1)(a)条规定,根据该法令,我还没确定一个较大问题。是否有证据表明所指控的行为足以证明孟女士涉嫌根。 该问题将在诉讼程序的稍后阶段确定。 6park.com

[88] On the question of law posed, I conclude that, as a matter of law, the double criminality requirement for extradition is capable of being met in this case. The effects of the US sanctions may properly play a role in the double criminality analysis as part of the background or context against which the alleged conduct is examined. 6park.com

[89] Ms. Meng’s application is therefore dismissed. 6park.com

[90] I make no determination of the larger question under s. 29(1)(a) of the Act of whether there is evidence admissible under the Act that the alleged conduct would justify Ms. Meng’s committal for trial in Canada on the offence of fraud under s. 380(1)(a) of the Criminal Code. This question will be determined at a later stage in the proceedings. 6park.com

“The Honourable Associate Chief Justice H. Holmes”
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