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Who can help me explain these problems?
送交者: kobe0721[品衔R1] 于 2020-05-06 0:59 已读 2034 次  


The west says that covid-19 originated in wuhan, China.Who can help me explain these problems
1.Regarding the restarted avian influenza virus modification experiment last year, why does the US release no more updates?
2.The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) was previously closed.What is the truth behind ?
3.The US Department of Health and Human Services ran a scenario last year that was similar to the COVID-19 outbreak. Is this just a coincidence?
4.US intelligence officials warned of coronavirus crisis as early as last November. Why the warning was ignored?
5.Among the reported influenza deaths in the US, can the US clarify how many cases are actually infected with COVID-19?
6.When did the novel coronavirus first appear in the US? Did community transmission of the coronavirus start sooner than it was reported?
7.How did the US get the virus strains so soon to start the first human testing of a vaccine against COVID-19?
8.Why did the US government keep downplaying the pandemic while its officials privately dumped stocks?
9.Why are US experts not allowed to discuss COVID-19 in public?
10.What research is being done in the US overseas biological laboratories? Why does the US keep tight-lipped about it?
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