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看似中共被孤立 - 美俄发表罕见合作声明
送交者: 尿频尿急[♀☆★声望品衔7★☆♀] 于 2020-04-25 18:20 已读 795 次  


Trump and Putin issue rare joint statement promoting cooperation
Jonathan Landay 2 hrs ago
a man and a woman sitting in a suit and tie: G20 leaders summit in Osaka
© Reuters/Kevin Lamarque
G20 leaders summit in Osaka 6park.com

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin issued a rare joint statement on Saturday commemorating a 1945 World War Two link-up of U.S. and Soviet troops on their way to defeat Nazi Germany as an example of how their countries can cooperate. 6park.com

The statement by Trump and Putin comes amid deep strains in U.S.-Russian ties over a raft of issues, from arms control and Russia’s intervention in Ukraine and Syria to U.S. charges that Russia has spread disinformation about the novel coronavirus pandemic and interfered in U.S. election campaigns. 6park.com

The Wall Street Journal reported that the decision to issue the statement sparked debate within the Trump administration, with some officials worried it could undercut stern U.S. messages to Moscow. 6park.com

The joint statement marked the anniversary of the April 25, 1945 meeting on a bridge over the Elbe River in Germany of Soviet soldiers advancing from the east and American troops moving from the West
贴主:尿频尿急于2020_04_25 18:29:32编辑
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