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送交者: 专干二百五[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-03-29 0:45 已读 2768 次  


Pence: FDA approving ‘off-label’ use for hydroxychloroquine to help coronavirus patients


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Vice President Mike Pence said Tuesday that “the FDA is approving off-label use for the hydroxychloroquine right now” to help coronavirus patients.

Pence made the comment during Fox News’ virtual coronavirus town hall in response to a question from Dr. Mehmet Oz about the drug, which has shown encouraging signs in small, early tests. A similar drug, Chloroquine has also showed positive signs. 6park.com

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Dr. Oz noted that “the FDA appropriately desires randomized critical trials for proof to guide the medical community,” but asked the vice president how the clinical trials can be accelerated “while also satisfying the demand from physicians, front-line doctors, who want to use these pills for their patients and themselves?” 6park.com

In response, Pence said, “The good news is, the chloroquine medication, we actually deployed in the state of New York resources to be able to be administered to the people.” 6park.com


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New York has reported more than 25,600 confirmed coronavirus cases and 210 deaths, the most in the U.S., according to data compiled by Fox News. 6park.com

“Doctors can prescribe that medication, which as you know is a perfectly legal and approved malaria medication,” Pence told Dr. Oz,  “but doctors can now prescribe chloroquine for that off-label purpose of dealing with the symptoms of coronavirus. We are making that clear across the country.” – READ MORE

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