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Russian Ministry of Heath proves COVID-19 to be “man-made”
送交者: 从今而后[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-02-23 1:23 已读 1851 次  


On January 30th 2020, the Ministry of Heath of Russian Federation published a Temporary Methodological Guidance (picture 1) for PREVENTION, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT of 2019-nCoV (now referred to as COVID-19). According to this guidance, COVID-19 was found to be a recombinant virus between a bat coronavirus and an unknown coronavirus of origin, its genetic sequence is at least 70% similar to the SARS-CoV sequence. 

Picture 1

The following is the sentence extracted from the guidance (page 4) see picture 2. 

Picture 2

[Original Sentence] “Коронавирус 2019-nCoV предположительно является рекомбинантным вирусом между коронавирусом летучих мышей и неизвестным по происхождению коронавирусом. Генетическая последовательность 2019- nCoV сходна с последовательностью SARS-CoV по меньшей мере на 70%”.

Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is believed to be a recombinant virus between a bat coronavirus and an unknown coronavirus of origin. The 2019 – nCoV genetic sequence is at least 70% similar to the SARS-CoV sequence. [Translation using Yandex-Translate into English] 

Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is suspected to be a recombinant virus between bat coronavirus and an unknown origin coronavirus. The 2019-nCoV genetic sequence is similar to the SARS-CoV sequence by at least 70%. [Translation using Google Translate into English]

[iframe][/iframe] 6park.com

See, according to both translation APPs, “рекомбинантным вирусом” (рекомбинантный вирус) has been translated as recombinant virus, which according to Wikipedia is interpreted as the following: 

“A recombinant virus is a virus produced by recombining pieces of DNA using recombinant DNA technology. This may be used to produce viral vaccines or gene therapy vectors”. 

This not only reinforces Indian scientists’ discoveries couple of weeks that this is a “man-made” virus; but also proves what Mile Guo has said in his video that “COVID-19 was made by Guo Deying, a Chinese Scientist from Wuhan University, under Wang Qishan’s command”. Also, according to this guidance, re-infection is possible even after treatment.

Evil CCP Kleptocrats! 

Reference: 6park.com




Link to this temporary guidance: 


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