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美国刚刚发布了Level 4 Traval ban- China: Do Not Travel !!!
送交者: 水中拉系正常[♀★品衔R5★♀] 于 2020-01-30 20:39 已读 1716 次 1 赞  


https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/china-travel-advisory.html 6park.com

Do not travel to China due to novel coronavirus first identified in
Wuhan, China. On January 30, the World Health Organization has
determined the rapidly spreading outbreak constitutes a Public Health
Emergency of International Concern. Travelers should be prepared for
travel restrictions to be put into effect with little or no advance
notice.  Commercial carriers have reduced or suspended routes to and
from China. 6park.com

这是最高级别的警告,看看排名靠前的是哪些国家 6park.com

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