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送交者: 必然与自由[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-01-07 0:27 已读 2311 次  


Gina Haspel’s CIA nomination could torture Dianne Feinstein6
p President Trump’s designee to replace Mike Pompeo as CIA director has put Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., in a tough position. Gina Haspel, a decorated CIA veteran who would be the first female to lead the agency, is distrusted among Democrats for implementing the Bush administration’s enhanced interrogation technique program, which critics believe constituted torture. Haspel and her superior at the time were involved in giving the order to destroy the video evidence related to those activities。 Indeed, right out of the gate on Tuesday, several Senate Democrats -- including Ron Wyden, D-Ore., Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I. -- expressed opposition to her nomination. But Feinstein, who faces a left-wing primary challenge in this year's election, was not among them. The California Democrat would not commit to voting against Haspel’s nomination, and praised her tenure as Pompeo’s deputy director。 sked by a reporter about her opposition to an earlier promotion that Haspel was up for in 2013, Feinstein replied, “Well, I have spent some time with her, we’ve had dinner together, we have talked ... everything I know is, is that she has been a good deputy director of the CIA....I think hopefully the entire organization learned something from the so-called enhanced interrogation program. I think it’s something that can’t be forgotten. And I certainly can never forget it. And I won’t let any director forget it,” the senator added, revealing she shared a “long personal talk” with Haspel about the program. Pressed to say whether she’s “a no” on Haspel’s nomination, Feinstein appeared to be undecided. “No, right now I’m late for my hearings,” she said. Feinstein is facing a surprisingly robust primary challenge from Democratic state Sen. Kevin de Le?n, which already seems to have nudged her leftward as she competes for the nomination. It’s very unlikely Feinstein will actually lose, but frustration with her perceivably establishment politics is clearly mounting among California’s progressive voter base. Last month, not only did the longtime senator fail to secure the state party’s endorsement at its annual convention, but de Le?n beat her by a margin of 17 percent of delegates.



贴主:必然与自由于2020_01_07 0:29:18编辑
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