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送交者: APCSS[品衔R2☆] 于 2019-12-24 6:28 已读 859 次  








The New York Times 6park.com


@nytimes 6park.com



Almost immediately after he left the White House, Steve Bannon began a lucrative financial relationship with a mysterious Chinese billionaire living in the U.S. who China’s government had accused of money-laundering, bribery and rape

===================================================================================================== 6park.com

1,Refresh to see Western Media accept the Official View of our China Ministry of Truth.
My 1st thought too. If he is accused by China then he must be innocent.
2,Hmmm. Yet #VPBiden's son being paid millions for his (non) knowledge and (non) expertise with very crooked Ukraine & China barely gets metioned.
3,Shame on NYT! CCP China most wanted billionaire? Yes but not mysterious at all..we all know Miles Kwok has been fighting his “One Man’s War” since 2017 against CCP the enemy of 1.4 billion Chinese people & the West! Steve Bannon became one of his best allies in the US.Wait & See!4,很明显的看出此文记者的民主党的政治派别倾向,看到民主党与共产党联手攻击川普和Bannon,这真是美国的deep state。The reporter has strong bias on republican. Who can smell that Democrat become ally of Chinese Communism Party ? So deep state is real!
5,Miles Guo is the first enemy of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chinese government controlled by CCP wants to kill Guo with any cost. Who is ally of CCP in United States? Wake up and Watch out!
6,I mean as much as Bannon is a slimeball or whatever you want to call him. I'd rather trust him than the China govt
7,Do you believe CCP?
8,Since China has paid millions $$$$, to
, to name 2, to run what is for all intents and purposes state propaganda, can your reporting on this subject be believed?
9,New York Times taking the side of Communist Secret Police because it's a tradition for you? Hey, these are the same Chinese Commies you ran the Uighur re-education camps article about! How much credibility do you give the Xi regime after that? Zero is the right answer.
10,When Chinese government says bad things about a person, a great chance that person is good for the rest of the world. Like
, or
. It is just the beginning.
11,It’s the Chinese gov, you really believe them?
12,You believe China? Lmao
: FAKE NEWS, always
14,The Biden and Clinton money grabbing families are sick with envy that they missed out on this opportunity
don't you have any chinese employees to inform you who this guy is? He's Guo Wengui, was a Commie Party insider, knows lots of dirty secrets, and is campaigning for the CCP's fall.
16,Run Jeffrey Epstein don't kill himself. Always, Fake News run Rumors . China is standard for NYT Fake News. Death by shame for NYT Fake News. IT is going out of Business.
17,NYT has just started to believe Chinese authorities accusations?
18,That’s bc the billionaire is anti communist and anti China- so shockingly, all these charges by the Chinese govt pop up.... try reasoning NyTimes
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