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送交者: 茶党好伙伴[布衣] 于 2019-10-30 7:03 已读 287 次  


信息链接:https://freebeacon.com/politics/agencies-give-classified-briefing-on-hunter-bidens-china-dealings/ 6park.com

Hunter Biden’s China Entanglements Spark Concern in Senate

Investigators probing potential conflict of interest in Hunter Biden's ties to $600 million Chinese takeover
Hunter Biden / Getty Images

Yuichiro Kakutani - OCTOBER 28, 2019 3:15 PM

It wasn't just Ukraine. A U.S. senator is now investigating whether Hunter Biden improperly benefited from his business ties to a Chinese investment firm that has partnered with a Chinese-backed aviation company keen on stealing U.S. national security secrets. Senate Finance Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) received a classified briefing about the foreign investment deal on Friday, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

The Aviation Industry Corporation of China had raised national security concern in the U.S. before. American national security officials and independent analysts strongly suspected that the company, a major supplier of military jets in China, had hacked U.S. networks to steal the design of the F-35 jet and used the design to build its own stealth jet fighters.

In 2015, the Chinese aviation giant partnered with BHR Partners, a state-backed Chinese equity firm, to acquire Henniges Automotive, a U.S. auto company that produces technologies with military applications. Biden has sat on BHR's board since 2013. The $600 million acquisition was one of the largest by a Chinese company of a U.S.-based auto company.

Officials from the Treasury Department, Commerce Department, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence gave Grassley an "extensive, classified briefing," according to Michael Zona, Grassley's communications director.

"Chairman Grassley intends to review additional material and will contact the agencies with follow-up questions in the coming weeks," Zona said. While he declined to comment  on the substance of Friday's briefing, citing its classified nature, Zona said the senator would have more to say at a "later date."

Grassley initially raised concerns about the deal in an August letter, pointing to potential Obama-era conflicts of interest. The State Department, then led by John Kerry, had to approve the deal. Kerry's stepson, Christopher Heinz, worked side by side with Biden at another investment firm. Biden's father, Joe Biden, was the vice president at the time the deal was approved. Grassley has requested detailed information about how the deal was approved, what role White House personnel played in the decision, and whether they followed proper procedure.

"There is cause for concern that potential conflicts of interest could have influenced CFIUS approval of the Henniges transaction," Grassley wrote in the letter. CFIUS is the interagency committee that determines whether a foreign investment in the United States is a national security risk. "Accordingly, Congress and the public must fully understand the decision-making process that led to the Henniges approval and the extent to which CFIUS fully considered the transaction's national security risks."

While Biden's lawyer said his client has not made a dime off of his business relationship with BHR Partners, government watchdogs aren't buying it.

"I'm going to guess Hunter Biden has had the opportunity to trade in on his name in the United States," said Scott Amey, general counsel at the nonprofit watchdog Project on Government Oversight. "And it really is questionable to cash in with foreign governments, especially those that have an adversarial approach and philosophy to the United States."

Biden has acknowledged, through his lawyer, that he invested $420,000 in BHR to purchase a 10 percent stake in the fund in 2017. As long as Biden retains his stake, he stands to profit from the company's performance. Amey said that while many people make money lobbying for U.S. clients, Biden crossed a line by working with a hostile foreign country, calling his decision to pursue a business deal with China "a head scratcher" that "raises serious questions about his decision making process."

The details of the younger Biden's business dealings in China were first reported by Peter Schweizer in his book and confirmed by the Free Beacon. An attorney for Biden did not return request for comment.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly drawn attention to Biden's business dealings in Ukraine and China. He has openly called on the Chinese government to investigate the son of the Democratic presidential frontrunner, a move that drew condemnation from Democrats and Republicans alike. Biden said he would step down from the BHR board by the end of October, but it remains unclear whether he will continue to hold a financial stake in the private equity company.

"When Hunter engaged in his business pursuits, he believed that he was acting appropriately and in good faith," Biden's attorney, George Mesires, said in a statement. "He never anticipated the barrage of false charges against both him and his father by the president of the United States."

James Carafano, vice president of the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said that Chinese companies routinely recruit influential U.S. nationals onto their boards to "advocate for China."

"It's much more likely that they would recruit a general or admiral or business executive to advocate for China than to use them to spy for China," he said.

By leveraging its close ties to both the United States and Chinese state entities, BHR aimed to raise up to $1.5 billion from American and Chinese investors, according to an archived version of its website. The Bank of China, one of the largest state banks in the country, remained the company's largest indirect shareholder three years after incorporation, and BHR's portfolio continues to invest heavily in Chinese state-owned enterprises, according to the company's website.

While Biden's attorney claims that "Hunter always understood that his father would be guided, entirely and unequivocally, by established U.S. policy, irrespective of its effects on Hunter's professional interests," the younger Biden nonetheless set up a 2013 meetingbetween his father and BHR CEO Jonathan Li while the vice president was visiting Chinese president Xi Jinping.

The Biden campaign did not return request for comment.

Correction: This article incorrectly stated that Christopher Heinz stood to benefit directly from BHR's deal with the Aviation Industry Corporation of China. In fact, Heinz was a business partner of Hunter Biden's at the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners, which did not invest in the Chinese deal. We regret the error.

谷谷一郎 -十月28,2019 3:15下午

不只是乌克兰。一名美国参议员现在正在调查猎人·拜登(Hunter Biden)是否从与一家中国投资公司的业务关系中不当得益。华盛顿自由灯塔 获悉,参议院财政委员会主席查克·格拉斯利(爱荷华州)在周五收到了一份有关外国投资交易的机密简报


2015年,这家中国航空巨人与一家国有控股的中国股权公司BHR Partners合作,收购了美国Henniges Automotive,这是一家生产军事应用技术的美国汽车公司。自2013年以来,拜登就一直担任BHR的董事会成员。这笔6亿美元的收购是中国公司对美国汽车公司最大的一笔收购之一。

格拉斯利公关总监迈克尔·佐纳(Michael Zona)表示,美国财政部,商务部和国家情报局局长办公室的官员为格拉斯利提供了“广泛的,机密的简报”。

佐纳说:“主席格拉斯利打算审查其他材料,并将在接下来的几周内与有关机构联系,并提出后续问题。” 佐纳(Zona)拒绝提及周五通报会的内容,但称其属于机密性质,但他表示参议员在“以后”还有更多话要说。

格拉斯利最初在八月份的一封信中对该交易表示了担忧  指出奥巴马时代可能存在的利益冲突。当时由约翰·克里(John Kerry)领导的国务院不得不批准这笔交易。克里的继子克里斯托弗·亨氏(Christopher Heinz)与拜登在另一家投资公司并肩工作。交易批准后,拜登的父亲乔·拜登(Joe Biden)担任副总裁。格拉斯利要求提供有关该交易如何获得批准,白宫人员在该决定中扮演什么角色以及他们是否遵循适当程序的详细信息。

格拉斯利在信中写道:“令人担忧的是,潜在的利益冲突可能会影响CFIUS对Henniges交易的批准。” CFIUS是一个机构间委员会,负责确定在美国的外国投资是否构成国家安全风险。“因此,国会和公众必须充分理解导致获得汉尼格斯批准的决策过程,以及外国投资委员会充分考虑交易的国家安全风险的程度。”

拜登的律师说,他的委托人与他与BHR Partners的业务关系并未赚到一毛钱,但政府监管机构却不愿购买。

非营利组织“政府监督项目”的总顾问斯科特·阿米说:“我想亨特·拜登有机会以他的名字在美国进行交易。” “而且,与外国政府一起兑现确实是有问题的,特别是那些对美国采取对抗性做法和理念的国家。”

拜登已通过其律师承认,他在2017年向BHR投资了420,000美元,以购买该基金10%的股份。只要拜登保留其股份,他就将从公司的业绩中获利。阿米说,虽然许多人为游说美国客户赚钱,但拜登与敌对的外国合作越过界线,称他与中国进行商业交易的决定是“头上的麻烦”,“这对他的决策过程提出了严重的问题。 ”。

彼得·史威哲(Peter Schweizer)在他的书中首次报道了拜登(Biden)年轻人在中国开展业务的细节,并获得了自由信标Free Beacon)的确认。 拜登的律师未回复置评请求。


拜登的律师乔治·梅西莱斯(George Mesires)在一份声明中说:“亨特从事商业活动时,他相信自己的行为是适当和真诚的。” “他从来没有想到美国总统会针对他和他的父亲提出虚假指控。”

保守派传统基金会戴维斯国家安全与外交政策学院副院长詹姆斯·卡拉法诺(James Carafano)表示,中国公司经常招募有影响力的美国国民加入董事会,以“为中国辩护”。


BHR通过利用与美国和中国国有实体的紧密联系,旨在从美国和中国投资者那里筹集至多15亿美元的资金。公司的网站显示,中国银行是该国最大的国有银行之一, 在成立三年后仍是该公司的  最大间接股东,而BHR的投资组合继续向中国国有企业大量投资。

尽管拜登的律师声称:“亨特始终理解,无论其对亨特的职业兴趣有何影响,亨特始终都会以明确的美国政策完全,明确地指导他的父亲,”尽管如此,年轻的拜登还是在2013年与父亲和BHR首席执行官举行了  一次会议副总统李肇星在访问中国国家主席习近平时。

拜登(Biden)广告活动未返回评论请求。 6park.com

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