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送交者: 伊索的寓言[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2019-09-26 11:32 已读 1330 次 1 赞  


ALERT: Bombshell Report Exposes Secret Plot To Take Down Trump, Mueller Directly Implicated 6park.com

(Gateway Pundit) – Jessie K. Liu should not be practicing law. She should be disbarred, impeached and indicted. She is the US Attorney involved in three Deep State Mueller related cases where the government is withholding or withheld evidence from the defense. And she is involved in other corrupt cases.

Jessie K. Liu was an up and coming star in the Department of Justice. However her actions of late prove that she never should have been elevated to the position in the first place.

Above: Jessie K. Liu

Ms. Liu is involved in three cases where pertinent documents were withheld from the defense – 6park.com


Via Rosie Memos: 6park.com


Rosie memos@almostjingo



What do all of the f**ked up cases have in common? They all hide evidence and they're all lead by Jessie K. Liu. @TheJusticeDept 6park.com





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Liu was involved in the Maria Butina case where a young woman sits in prison today, due to the fact that she was set up by the Deep State FBI. The information related to the FBI’s set up was never provided to her or her attorneys in spite of numerous requests from the defense for this information which was the government’s duty to provide to her.

Liu also is involved in the Concord Management case. This case has been a mess since day one. The government alleged numerous lies about the company in order to tie the Mueller sham to Russia. Mueller’s team stated Concord and its sister company Concord Catering were involved in spreading news on Facebook that impacted the US election. The problem is Concord Catering wasn’t even in existence at the time they were indicted by Mueller and the Mueller team was never able to tie Russians to Concord Mangement which spent only $3,000 on Facebook ads that supposedly impacted the 2016 election.

Mueller insinuated that Concord was led by Russians who didn’t want Hillary to win. But Mueller and Liu have never been able to prove this while making up crimes along the way. Concord Management’s attorneys are toying with the corrupt Deep State, even saying their logic is similar to Tweety bird saying, “I did, I did, I taw a puddy tat.”

In addition, Liu is involved in the Deep State’s sham indictment of the courageous General Mike Flynn. Since the 2016 election and before, General Flynn was targeted by Obama’s Deep State. Flynn committed the crime of disagreeing with Obama’s insane policies in the Middle East. Since that time, Flynn was a target.

Today Flynn’s case is still ongoing and it is costing Flynn a mint. This past week his attorney requested documents from the government pertinent to his case. The Deep State government won’t provide the documents nor will they provide Flynn’s attorney the classified status to see them. Ms. Liu is involved in this case as well.

Ms. Liu also was involved in the James Wolfe case where he was indicted for leaking a FISA application to the New York Times – 6park.com


Techno Fog@Techno_Fog



Jessie Liu refused to prosecute James Wolfe (SSCI director of security) for leaking a FISA application to the NYT. 6park.com

Her reason to protect SSCI (Wolfe) is the reason to protect the FBI (McCabe). 6park.com

The decision will have to be made for her. [Barr/Rosen] 6park.com

img ht @TheLastRefuge2 https://twitter.com/adamgoldmanNYT/status/1166027361286053888
 … 6park.com





Adam Goldman 6park.com

?@adamgoldmanNYT 6park.com

In two meetings last week, McCabe’s lawyers met with the deputy attorney general, Jeffrey A. Rosen, who is expected to be involved in the decision about whether to prosecute, and with the United States attorney for the District of Columbia, Jessie K. Liu. https://nyti.ms/2L9ZbCj  6park.com



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The Wolfe case was a sham as he was sentenced to only two months for his crimes with the US Senate stepping in to request leniency for Mr. Wolfe. 6park.com


Now it looks like Liu is involved in the McCabe case and will determine whether to bring charges against former corrupt FBI Director Andy McCabe.

If Liu is involved it is doubtful that McCabe will be indicted for any of his many crimes!

In 2017 Liu was nominated by President Trump to become the next US Attorney in Washington D.C. She took over that position a few months later. Then in March of 2019 the far left Washington Post shared this about Liu –

Jessie K. Liu, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia who had been tapped to take the Justice Department’s No. 3 job, has withdrawn from consideration after Republican senators raised concerns about her past membership in a lawyers group that supported abortion rights and opposed the nomination of Samuel A. Alito Jr. to the Supreme Court.

The Trump administration signaled weeks ago that it would nominate Liu for the position of associate attorney general, in which she would oversee the department’s extensive civil litigation work. That nomination will not happen, because of her past role with the lawyers group, officials said Thursday.

Somehow this sham of an attorney was recommended to President Trump and eventually removed by the Senate from moving onto a bigger job at the DOJ.

Ms. Liu should not be prosecuting individuals for crimes. Her actions related to the Mueller cases she oversaw provides ample evidence that she should not be practicing law. She should be behind bars. She should not be the one making the decision whether to indict corrupt cop McCabe!


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