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送交者: 人类理解力[品衔R2☆] 于 2019-09-04 11:23 已读 1232 次 1 赞  


Donald J. Trump‏认证账号 @realDonaldTrump 6park.com

关注关注 @realDonaldTrump 6park.com


“The Chinese are very adept at not accepting anything. You’ve got to be very tough, and that’s what Trump is doing. It’s in China’s interest to correct, and I think we’ll end up with a solution that’s dramatically better than we have today. Frankly, I think the impact of what....Trump is doing to China is not lost on the rest of the world. Europe has had among the most protectionist policies forever. They’re sitting there and saying, gee, are we next? Maybe you are! We’ve got to change the rules. The U.S. can’t defend the world and pay for it.....We can’t have a system where we run our entire economy for the benefit of other countries, which have long charged us big tariffs. Don’t keep ducking the reality. The U.S. has been subject to Tariff Terrorism for 50 years. But a real deal can be done.” Sam Zell @JoeSquawk

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