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最新Kyle Bass推文: ‏ 谈PLA香港轮换:
送交者: 联络部特工[品衔R1] 于 2019-08-29 10:12 已读 242 次 1 赞  


Xinhua’s photos showed that the PLA garrison had changed its armoured vehicles, of which it has about 50,from Type 092, the military version,to WJ-03B, the model used by armed police. The changes suggest the garrison is ready for anti-riot missions Looks like a normal “troop rotation” @carlzha “The body of the replacement model has more holes, allowing troops inside to shoot rubber bullets, tear gas and other anti-riot weapons”Some call a one-way troop movement a “rotation”. I tend to call them “buildups” or simply an “invasion”.
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