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【白宫】摆脱恐怖的社会主义 马杜罗统治必须结束(全文翻译)(图)
送交者: mmcegk[★品衔R6★] 于 2019-08-07 12:50 已读 4040 次  



                                                                           (图片来源:视频截图) 6park.com

2019年8月7日         记者     天琴 6park.com

2019年8月6日,美国白宫发布关于“冻结委内瑞拉政府财产”行政命令的声明。川普政府正在对马杜罗及其非法政权提供支持者实施经济制裁。同时,限制被制裁者进入美国。 6park.com

以下是声明全文翻译。 6park.com


声明和发布 6park.com

Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding an Executive Order “Blocking Property of the Government of Venezuela” 6park.com

新闻主官关于“冻结委内瑞拉政府财产”行政命令的声明 6park.com


对外政策 6park.com

Issued on: August 6, 2019 6park.com

发布于:2019年8月6日 6park.com

Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order “Blocking Property of the Government of Venezuela.”  This Executive Order blocks all property and interests in property of the Government of Venezuela that are within the jurisdiction of the United States.  It also authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to impose sanctions on persons who provide support to Nicolas Maduro and his illegitimate regime.  Additionally, this action will restrict the entry into the United States of sanctioned persons.  This Executive Order directly targets those who undermine either the democratically elected National Assembly of Venezuela or Interim President Juan Guaido. 6park.com

昨天,唐纳德·J·川普总统签署了一份“冻结委内瑞拉政府财产”的行政命令。该行政命令阻止委内瑞拉政府动用在美国管辖范围内的所有财产及其权益。它还授权财政部长在与国务卿协商下,对为尼古拉斯•马杜罗及其非法政权提供支持的人实施制裁。此外,这一行动将限制被制裁者进入美国。该行政命令直接针对那些破坏民主选举的委内瑞拉国民议会或过渡总统胡安瓜伊多的人。 6park.com

The United States denounces the Maduro dictatorship for its continued gross abuses of human rights and repression, and will not waver in its support for the brave people of Venezuela.  They are fighting for freedom, their basic rights, and a return to democracy and the rule of law.  The Maduro dictatorship must end for Venezuela to have a stable, democratic, and prosperous future—free from the horrors of socialism that have ravaged this once great country. 6park.com

美国谴责马杜罗独裁统治继续严重侵犯人权和镇压行为,并且不会动摇其对勇敢的委内瑞拉人民的支持。他们为自由、基本权利以及恢复民主和法治而斗争。为了委内瑞拉拥有一个稳定、民主和繁荣的未来 ,即摆脱曾经蹂躏这个一度伟大的国家的社会主义恐怖,马杜罗独裁统治必须结束。 6park.com

As the Trump Administration has made clear:  All options are on the table.  The United States will use every appropriate tool to end Maduro’s hold on Venezuela, support the Venezuelan people’s access to humanitarian assistance, and ensure a democratic transition in Venezuela.  The United States has taken great care to safeguard the Venezuelan people’s access to humanitarian goods, and will continue to work closely with its partners to safeguard peace and security in the Western Hemisphere. 6park.com

正如川普政府已经明确表示的那样:所有选项都摆在桌面上。美国将使用一切适当的工具来结束马杜罗对委内瑞拉的控制,支持委内瑞拉人民获得人道主义援助,并确保委内瑞拉的民主过渡。美国非常谨慎地保护委内瑞拉人民能获得人道主义物资,并将继续与其盟友密切合作,以维护西半球的和平与安全。 6park.com

贴主:mmcegk于2019_08_07 12:51:43编辑
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