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送交者: mmcegk[★品衔R6★] 于 2019-07-30 20:44 已读 1261 次  



2019年07月31日 6park.com


香港目前的示威游行反映了香港人的诉求及其对香港自治权受到侵蚀的广泛而合理的担忧。 6park.com

根据《中英联合声明》和香港人的愿望,美国长期以来一直支持香港的民主。言论自由和结社自由是我们与香港共同的核心价值,必须全力保护这些自由。 6park.com

对于将外国势力指控为抗议活动背后的策划者,我们绝不承认。数百万人被操纵着去捍卫自由开放的社会,这不可信。 6park.com

香港的自治持续受到侵蚀,正影响着香港一直以来在国际社会中的特殊地位。 6park.com


We urge all sides to exercise restraint and refrain from violence. It
is important for the Hong Kong Government to respect the freedoms of
speech and assembly, as guaranteed by the Sino-British Joint
Declaration, and for China to respect Hong Kong’s high degree of
autonomy. 6park.com

The ongoing demonstrations in Hong Kong reflect the sentiment of
Hongkongers and their broad and legitimate concerns about the erosion of
Hong Kong’s autonomy. 6park.com

The United States has long supported democracy in Hong Kong in
accordance with the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the aspirations
of the Hong Kong people. Freedom of expression and freedom of
association are core values that we share with Hong Kong; these freedoms
must be vigorously protected. 6park.com

We categorically reject the charge of foreign forces as being behind
the protests. It is not credible to think millions of people are being
manipulated to stand for a free and open society. 6park.com

The continued erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy puts at risk its long-established special status in international affairs.

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