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送交者: 厉害帝[进士☆] 于 2019-07-25 20:42 已读 841 次  


Apple, Dell consider moving China production in trade war. Who else?
Yan Zhang, USA TODAYPublished 8:16 a.m. ET July 24, 2019 | Updated 10:59 a.m. ET July 24, 2019

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President Trump's 'America First' approach has relied on slapping tariffs on countries, such as China and Mexico, which have led to current trade wars. What is a tariff and how do they work? We explain.Just the FAQs, USA TODAY 6park.com


A growing number of companies have said they are pulling production out of China, alarmed by the intensifying trade war between Beijing and the U.S., including Apple and Asics.

About 41% of American companies are considering shifting manufacturing from China, or have already done so, the American Chamber of Commerce in China said in a recent survey. At least 50 global companies, including Apple, Dell and HP, have announced or are considering alternative plans to move manufacturing out of China, according to research by Nikkei Asian Review.

The Trump administration has imposed tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese imports  as part of its year-old trade war with China and is threatening duties on another $300 billion in shipments. In the first half of 2019, China’s exports to the U.S. fell by 8.1% to $199 billion, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. 6park.com

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Luo Linquan, vice president of the China Public Diplomacy Association, talks trade, tariffs and trust.USA TODAY 6park.com

Producers from the U.S. and other nations who are leaving China:

Tech: Apple is considering moving 15% to 30% of its manufacturing, including the latest iPhone production, from China to India. Dell may move its personal computer production to Taiwan, Vietnam or the Philippines. HP is also considering Southeast Asia. GoPro, the mobile camera maker, has its sights on Mexico, Nikkei reported.

Apparel and footwear: Brooks Sports is relocating its running shoe production to Vietnam. Sketchers, an American shoe company, is in India now; Asics, a Japanese footwear producer, is also looking at Vietnam, Nikkei reported; Steve Madden, the footwear and handbag maker, shifted its production to Cambodia, the company said; Gap, the clothing and accessories retailer, has started up new factories in Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh, the company said.

Equipment: Komatsu, a Japanese company that makes construction and mining equipment, has already relocated some production from China to the U.S. and Thailand. Panasonic moved its in-car equipment production to Mexico, Nikkei reported. 6park.com

More and more companies have announced pulled production out of China alarmed by the intensifying trade war between the U.S. and China. (Photo: AP)

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Even Chinese companies are considering leaving their home country. TCL, a Chinese multinational electronics company, is moving its TV production to Vietnam; GoerTek, a Chinese acoustic components company, is starting up a new factory in northern Vietnam to make wireless earphones, according to Nikkei.

Gary Hufbauer, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, thinks more manufacturers will move from China but there likely won't be a "wholesale departure."

"It’s very expensive for a company to change suppliers, particularly if quality is an issue – for example with electronic components or machine parts," he says.

China's economic growth slowed to 6.2% in the second quarter of the year, the weakest pace in 27 years, the government said.  

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