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送交者: 我是习哒哒[布衣] 于 2019-01-30 2:20 已读 762 次 1 赞  


1,(DCIS)国防刑事调查局 6park.com

(DCIS)国防刑事调查局调查华为与孟晚舟罪行.PS: 6park.com

“As charged in the indictment, Huawei and its subsidiaries, with the direct and personal involvement of their executives,engaged in serious fraudulent conduct, including conspiracy, bank fraud, wirefraud, sanctions violations, money laundering and the orchestrated obstruction of justice,” stated U.S. Attorney Donoghue. “For over a decade, Huawei employed a strategy of lies and deceit to conduct and grow its business.  This Office will continue to hold accountable companies and their executives, whether here or abroad, that commit fraud against U.S. financial institutions and their international counterparts and violate U.S. laws designed to maintainour national security.”  Mr. Donoghue thanked the FBI, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Export Enforcement(OEE) and the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) agents who are investigating this case for their tireless work and dedication. 6park.com


3,以上中共企业有多少涉及军事方面的? 6park.com

DCIS在行动.... 6park.com

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