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送交者: 陇上人家[★品衔R5★] 于 2018-12-05 16:48 已读 870 次  


Huawei CFO arrested in Canada on suspicion of violating US sanctions on Iran 6park.com

oronto | Canada has arrested Huawei's global chief financial officer in Vancouver, where she is facing extradition to the US on suspicion she violated American sanctions against Iran, the Globe and Mail newspaper reported. 6park.com

Meng Wanzhou, daughter of company founder Ren Zhenfei and one of the vice chairs on the Chinese technology company's board, was arrested on December 1 and a court hearing has been set for Friday, a Canadian Justice Department spokesman said, according to the Globe and Mail. 6park.com

Representatives of Huawei, one of the world's largest makers of telecommunications network equipment, could not immediately be reached for comment. 6park.com

Huawei, one of the world's largest makers of telecommunications network equipment, has had its equipment stripped from Britain's mobile phone network.  Mark Schiefelbein 6park.com

The company has been in the headlines recently for having its technology stripped from the mobile phone networks of Australia, the UK and New Zealand on fears of Chinese state spying. 6park.com

Reuters 6park.com

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