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送交者: TheCurator[巡抚★★] 于 2018-11-07 17:33 已读 2910 次  


原文背景:朝鲜战争进入美国联军二次反共阶段,故美军总司令麦克阿瑟有意直接空袭中国东北及首都北京,彻底切断对朝鲜的援助。但时任总统杜鲁门因害怕引发苏联介入,而出发世界大战,故命令参联会主席布莱德利将军把麦克阿瑟解职,以停止美军对中国本土的作战计划。 6park.com

因为麦克阿瑟被杜鲁门解职,造成美国上下愤怒,故美国众议院召开听证会传召布莱德利,询问为什么要解职麦克阿瑟。 6park.com

I am under no illusion that our present strategy of using means short of total war to achieve our ends and oppose communism is a guarantee that a world war will not be thrust upon us. But a policy of patience and determination without provoking a world war, while we improve our military power, is one which we believe we must continue to follow…. 6park.com


Under present circumstances, we have recommended against enlarging the war from Korea to also include Red China. The course of action often described as a limited war with Red China would increase the risk we are taking by engaging too much of our power in an area that is not the critical strategic prize. 6park.com

Red China is not the powerful nation seeking to dominate the world. Frankly, in the opinion of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this strategy would involve us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy. 6park.com

简单译文: 6park.com

我没有幻想我们现在就差全面战争去达到目的的策略不会引发世界大战,但有耐心和决心不去挑起世界大战,而加强我们的军事实力才是应该做的。 6park.com

在现实情况下,我们(参联会)建议不要扩大朝鲜战争,且不要波及中国。所谓和中国的有限战争说法有在这个没有重要战略价值的地方投入更多力量的风险。 6park.com

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