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送交者: 纵观长河[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2017-07-15 6:27 已读 2781 次 1 赞  






其实,这些钱的去处都是公开的,美国民主基金会有义务提供我们想知道的信息。我们自己也可以去美国民主基金会的网站查找:www.ned.org .

美国民主基金会(The National Endowment for Democracy)于1983年注册登记成立,始于当时里根总统提出要美国研究和推动海外民主发展,后经美国政治基金会建议成立一个跨党派的非盈利组织,并由美国国会每年拨款一亿美元,用以资助海外八十多个国家的民主化事业。这些款项均来自于美国纳税人。

到2007年,在成立十四年后,美国国家民主基金会资助亚洲各国(包括中国、缅甸、巴基斯坦、朝鲜、印尼、菲律宾、马来西亚、东帝汶、斯里兰卡 、尼泊尔、泰国、孟加拉国、越南、柬埔寨、印度等国)的金额共计2201.938万美元,其中资助中国大陆民主运动共611.0531万美元,占亚洲总额的27.75%。大陆、香港、藏运、疆运各获477.4733万、36.9983万、44.4710万、52.1105万美元。

美国国家民主基金会的成员中有数位是国会议员。现时美国民主基金会董事长理查‧杰法特(Richard Gephardt),是美国众议院少数派前领袖,专长经济问题和外交事务;执行主席卡尔‧杰什曼(Carl Gershman),是美国前众议员。基金会董事会包括现任参议员、众议员、商界高层及学者等。

二0一0年十一月二十三日(在我完成这篇文章的当天),美国之音《时事大家谈》的专题节目《美国国家民主基金会及其运作》专访了美国国家民主基金会副总裁路易莎.格雷夫(Louisa Greve),这位副总裁介绍基金会时说到:美国国家民主基金会不支持革命,对国家解体不感兴趣。支持用劝说方式在政体体制中实行变化,追求民主目标的组织。 请看视频: 美国国家民主基金会及其运作http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A58DD9948ABDB457 我相信,美国国家民主基金会对中共的态度是与美国国会的态度一致的。

这二十年来,美国政府更关心它能以最小的代价在中国获取最大的经济利益,更关心中国能稳定地向它提供廉价产品。正如媒体人格兰.贝克(Glenn Beck)在他二00九年出版的新书《常识》所言,贪婪使美国偏离了美国先贤们建立的根本理念。






一、法治与公众参与(Rule of Law and Public Participation,获年资助$458,660),支持中国境内的各类教育、研究、政策分析以及法援专案。

二、美国国际劳工团结中心(American Center for International Labor Solidarity,获四笔资助达数十万美元,详情见下面英文原版,蔡崇國主管),以增进中国劳工权利与职业安全、提供劳工法律援助、开展职工教育讲习班、加强劳动监管等五个项目。

三、亚洲促进会(Asia Catalyst,获两项年资助共计$177,587),设立中文讯息网站,作为一个区域论坛,促进跨境非政府组织之间的联系。

四、劳改基金会(Laogai Research Foudation,吴弘达主管),旨在调查与揭露中国大陆劳改营亵渎人权的事例,争取废除劳改、劳教制度,从美国民主基金会获取少量资金,该组织是否还从其他方面获取资金不明。

五、中国讯息中心(China Information Centre,获年资助$292,000, 由香港卢四清创立并经营,吴弘达收钱管账),透过两个新闻网站报导和评论在中国大陆发生的重大事件。

六、中国人权(Human Rights in China, Inc. 获年资助$250,000,谭竞嫦Sharon K.Hom主管)。年资助比2008年锐减四成多,系內部人事纷争所致。

七、北京知爱行讯息谘询有限公司(Beijing Zhiaixing Information and Counseling Company Limited 获年资助$255,000),从事爱滋病防治工作。

八、普林斯顿中国学社(Princeton China Initiative,有多个项目,林培瑞、陈奎德、蔡楚等各掌管不同项目),为大陆网民设立表达意见的平台,出版网刊《纵览中国》(陈奎德主管)和《参与》(蔡楚主管),此学社获多项资金总共数额近六十五万美元(详见下面英文原版)。

九、现代中国研究中心(Center for Modern China ,获年资助$231,000,陈一谘主管),出版《现代中国研究》季刊,探讨当代中国的经济与社会问题。资助已于二00九年第四季度取消。

十、国际私营企业中心(Center for International Private Enterprise,获两笔资助共$235,835万美元),以改善私营企业管理、举办政经改革论坛等两项项目。

十一、北京之春(Beijing Spring, Inc.,获年资助 $145,000,胡平主管),是分析与评论中国政局的月刊。二○一○年度自四月一日起停止出版纸本,改为网上刊物,以继续申请资助。

十二、新闻网(Boxun,又名中國自由新聞 China Free Press 获年资助$155,000,韦石主管),向国人提供网络平台。

十三、民主中国(Democratic China, Inc. 获年资助$195,000 and 特加费Supplement $18,000,共计$213,000,原社长是刘晓波,现由身在大陆的张祖桦主管,实务由蔡楚代理。)是一份网上中文周刊。

十四、独立中文笔会(Independent Chinese PEN Centre, Inc. 获年资助 $152,950)。

十五、北京叶任平讯息谘询中心(Beijing Yirenping Information & Counseling Center, LLC,获年资助$100,000),以电话热线向公众提供法律援助,为律师与市民举办一系列讨论会以便向当局提供法律改革意见。

十六、北京纳兰文化传播有限公司(Beijing Dongzhen-Nalan Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. (BDNCCC),获年资助 $45,000,创办人李旦、方政),培训民间团体,引进有关人权的基本概念与组织建议,以加强民间的人权意识。


十八、对华援助协会(China Aid Association,获年资助$75,000 傅希秋牧师主管),宗旨是促进中国宗教信仰自由,出版有关监察中国法律与宗教现状的半年刊,揭露教徒的人权遭受蹂躏的个案。

十九、中国劳工通讯(Friends of China Labour Bulletin,获年资助$40,000,李强主管),在提升中国劳工权益方面从事宣传教育与法律援助等项工作。所获年资助比去年锐减。

二十、中国学社(Initiatives for China,获年资助$85,000),举办跨种族的会议,以促进中国各民族、各民运团体之间的互信与合作。

廿一、国际记者协会(International Federation of Journalists 获年资助$32,000)透过派发纸本与电子刊物来培训中国新闻工作者提高自主意识。

廿二、晨钟出版社(Morning Bell Press,获年资助$25,191*),由六‧四时被上海公安局短期拘留的复旦大学港生姚勇战之父姚文田主持,出版与派发大陆作者撰写的有关中国现代史重大事件的著作。

廿三、国家民主研究所(National Democratic Institute (NDI),获年资助$141,830)1983年成立,在全球109个国家或地区(包括中国、香港、台湾)设有办事处,总部在华盛顿特区,董事会主席是美国前驻联合国大使奥尔布赖特。该机构致力于在全球范围内支持与加强公民参与,以建立公民参与、公开问责民主政府。

廿四、南(内)蒙古人权讯息中心Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center,获年资助$88,000),透过英文与蒙文电子出版物〈南蒙古观察〉的网站来报导中国内蒙古自治区的人权现况。

廿五、魏京生基金会(Wei Jingsheng Foundation,Inc.,获年资助 $54,300**),以互联网联络中外记者,促使国际社会了解中国劳工权益的现况。










三妹 二0一0年十一月二十三日


进入此网站步骤:1.www.ned.org;2.在顶端找到并双击ublications;3.在右侧窗户中点击2009 asia annual report;4.找到china;你就能得到这份当年的资助财政报告

2009 Annual Report China

Rule of Law and Public Participation(法治与公众参与) $458,660 To strengthen the rule of law, enhance citizens’ awareness of their legal rights, enhance norms of access to information and the free flow of information, and broaden participation in public policy debates. Projects will support a variety of educational, research, policy analysis, and legal aid activities.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity(美国国际劳工团结中心) $271,863 To promote workers’ rights by building the research and advocacy capacity of emerging grassroots industrial accident victims’ NGOs in China. The Solidarity Center will work with local partners to support initiatives that foster Chinese NGOs’ participation in domestic networks seeking to open space for civil society involvement in implementing industrial occupational safety and health (OSH), and to strengthen links between Chinese and international OSH advocates.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity(美国国际劳工团结中心) $133,958 To strengthen rule of law and labor rights enforcement, and to promote the peaceful resolution of labor disputes. The Solidarity Center and its long-time partner will work together to enhance the advocacy skills and online networking ability of labor lawyers and workers rights groups, as well as to foster international solidarity with grassroots labor-rights protection initiatives.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity(美国国际劳工团结中心) $127,806 The Solidarity Center will support worker rights advocates to educate and empower workers to protect their rights. The Solidarity Center will provide training in practical skills and knowledge for selected advocates; promote and sustain networks of worker rights NGOs, labor law reformers and practitioners; provide technical models for integrating occupational safety and health principles and improvements into a nascent collective bargaining processes; and promote plant-level occupational safety and health worker committees.

American Center for International Labor Solidarity(美国国际劳工团结中心) $30,272* Through its website, continued distribution of its worker rights information CDs inside China, and frequent interviews with the international and Chinese press, the Solidarity Center’s partner aims to promote awareness among Chinese workers of their rights and, by speaking on behalf of Chinese workers, inform the international community on the labor rights situation in China.

Asia Catalyst, Inc. (亚洲促进会) $145,000* To improve Chinese NGOs’ operational capacity, and facilitate cooperation between Chinese NGOs and counterparts in the region. Asia Catalyst will develop a Chinese-language web-based forum featuring a variety of resources for NGOs, including information about human rights, social justice, and environmental protection efforts across the region. Asia Catalyst will also organize training programs for NGO staff and volunteers, including workshops on decision-making and other internal governance processes.

Asia Catalyst, Inc. (亚洲促进会) $32,587* To function as a regional forum and facilitate cross-border linkages among NGOs. Asia Catalyst will maintain a Chinese-language informational website that will include resources for NGOs and post information about human rights, social justice, and environmental protection initiatives.

Beijing Dongzhen-Nalan Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. (BDNCCC) (北京纳兰文化传播有限公司) $45,000 To strengthen civil society and advance respect for human rights. BDNCCC will facilitate several trainings for civic groups to introduce to participants basic concepts of human rights and organizational development skills, such as management systems, leadership, and team building.

Beijing Spring, Inc. (北京之春) $145,000 To publish the monthly Chinese-language magazine Beijing Spring, which carries analysis and commentary by authors inside and outside China regarding political developments, social issues, and the prospects for democratization in China.

Beijing Yirenping Information & Counseling Center, LLC(北京叶任平讯息谘询中心) $100,000 To promote the rule of law and the development of public interest law in China. The Center will maintain a telephone hotline to provide citizens with legal aid, conduct research regarding legal reforms and produce related public reports, make policy recommendations to relevant authorities, and hold a discussion series for lawyers and concerned citizens.

Beijing Zhiaixing Information and Counseling Company Limited(北京知爱行讯息谘询有限公司) $255,000 To operate a diverse program promoting accountability and human rights. The work of the organization will include legal aid, investigative reporting, activist training, and human rights documentation related to HIV/AIDS and other public health threats.

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) (国际私营企业中心) $120,188 To encourage better local public governance in China, to advance discussion of democratic governance, and to enhance private-sector participation in policy debates. CIPE will support its local partner to develop and produce the first edition of a planned annual empirical analysis of local government performance as reported in the domestic media, which will complement the partner’s established annual index rating provincial governments on public governance best practices and actual outcomes. The partner will also continue its highly successful bi-weekly policy symposia.

Center for International Private Enterprise(国际私营企业中心) $115,647 To encourage opportunities for free and open public debate about current events, political issues and reform agendas in China. CIPE will support a local partner’s weekly discussion forums at which key policy issues and current events can be freely debated. The forums are open to the public and aim to attract participants from diverse backgrounds. The forum organizer will create a summary of the discussion after each forum, and distribute it online and in print format.

Center for Modern China(现代中国研究中心) $231,000 To maintain a forum for informed and responsible debate of public policy questions. The Center will publish Modern China Studies, a quarterly Chinese-language scholarly journal that features economic and social science research concerning liberal, democratic solutions to contemporary policy questions in China.

China Aid Association, Inc. (对华援助协会) $75,000 To promote religious freedom in China. China Aid will provide legal aid in select cases, and publish the Chinese Law & Religion Monitor, a semi-annual journal containing analysis and documentation of religious issues and human rights abuses, particularly concerning religion.

China Free Press (新闻网Boxun,又名中國自由新聞) $155,000 To expand the space for free expression. China Free Press will host banned and censored Chinese prodemocracy websites that provide a platform for discussion and debate on current events and important social, political and economic questions facing China. China Free Press will also maintain a dedicated civil rights column as a forum for reports, commentary, and appeals by citizens.

China Information Center(中国讯息中心) $292,000 To provide an alternative source of news and opinion for audiences in China. The Center will disseminate news, commentary, and independent analysis of developments in China and important international events through two Chinese-language websites and an email list.

China Labor Watch $34,070 To promote labor rights and government accountability. The Solidarity Center’s partner organization conducts in-depth research on labor issues, disseminates a variety of research and educational publications, and engages in related legal aid and advocacy activities.

Democratic China, Inc. (民主中国) $195,000 $18,000 (Supplement) To promote well-informed and uncensored dialogue on issues relevant to China’s political development. The grantee will publish the online Chinese-language magazine Minzhu Zhongguo (Democratic China), which carries news and analysis by authors inside and outside of China regarding current affairs, culture, history, and international relations.

Friends of China Labor Bulletin, Inc. (中国劳工通讯) $40,000 To promote labor rights and government accountability. The organization conducts in-depth research on labor issues, disseminates a variety of research and educational publications, and engages in related legal aid and advocacy activities.

Human Rights in China, Inc. (中国人权) $250,000 To advance internationally recognized human rights in China. HRIC facilitates the work of domestic groups in building an effective agenda for social, legal, and political development through collaborative research and education, print and electronic publications, and advocacy.

Independent Chinese PEN Centre, Inc. (独立中文笔会) $152,950 To promote freedom of expression in China. Activities will include translation of materials on freedom of expression into Chinese, publishing banned materials to enable Chinese readers to have access to diverse views and literary works despite official censorship, and organizing domestic and international advocacy campaigns on behalf of imprisoned writers and journalists.

Initiatives for China(中国学社) $85,000 To promote inter-ethnic understanding, mutual trust, and cooperation among pro-democracy activists from different ethnic groups in China. Initiatives for China will organize an inter-ethnic conference with conflict resolution workshops and panel discussions on democracy, human rights, and religious freedom.

International Federation of Journalists(国际记者协会) $32,000 To strengthen the capacity of local journalists to advance press freedom in China. The program will provide training in international standards and practices, facilitate regional engagement in monitoring press freedom in China, and distribute print and electronic reports and newsletters.

International Republican Institute (IRI) $880,000 To strengthen independent grassroots institutions, open dialogue on public policy questions, and more widespread rights awareness. IRI will support the healthy development of civil society organizations and coalitions via both subgrant support and technical assistance, including exchanges enabling Chinese civil society actors and government officials to observe and discuss relevant social and regulatory frameworks as implemented by their Central European counterparts.

International Republican Institute (IRI) $320,000 To increase transparency and accountability in local government, and to advance dialogue between grassroots civil society and local and national government on public policy development and implementation. IRI will support an integrated, multifaceted program designed to open the budgeting process to greater oversight and input by local legislators. IRI will also undertake cooperative activities with a local think tank to promote the development of responsive social policy and to implement experimental reforms as an advocacy tool for wider reform.

International Republican Institute (IRI)* $45,000 To strengthen rural women’s land rights in China. IRI will partner with a grassroots non-governmental organization to conduct multiple stakeholder workshops and outreach in a selected province. The project will research, document, and publicize, realistic, replicable best practices in protecting rural women’s equal access to land-use rights, as is required under the law.

International Uyghur Human Rights and Democracy Foundation $226,804 To advance the human rights of ethnic Uyghur women and children. The Foundation will maintain an English- and Uyghur-language website on the human rights situation of Uyghur women and children; conduct a civic-education seminar for Uyghur women; and conduct advocacy on behalf of the human rights of Uyghurs in China.

Laogai Research Foundation(劳改基金会) $53,000 To campaign for the abolition of the Laogai labor camps. The Foundation will carry out investigation and documentation of the Laogai system and other human rights concerns in China, and will publish additional books in its Chinese-language series featuring the memoirs of Laogai survivors.

Morning Bell Press(晨钟出版社) $25,191* To stimulate public debate regarding reforms in China. Morning Bell Press will publish and distribute original works by Chinese authors regarding key events in recent Chinese history.

National Democratic Institute (NDI) (国家民主研究所) $141,830 To deepen the understanding and practice of democratic principles. NDI will work to strengthen citizen participation in environmental decision making. NDI will conduct workshops on practical participatory methods; develop an informal network with environmental NGO leaders and officials; and compile best practices and models of public participation in environmental decision making.

Princeton China Initiative(普林斯顿中国学社) $320,000 To promote human rights in China. The Princeton China Initiative will carry out a broad program of support for human rights projects to enhance transparency, accountability, legal knowledge, and access to justice.

Princeton China Initiative(普林斯顿中国学社) $187,087 To promote media freedoms and civic engagement via the internet in China. The Princeton China Initiative’s China Digital Network program will bring together specialists in internet technology to exchange information and create online tools that can be used by ordinary Chinese citizens, journalists and social activists for “citizen journalism” and civic-oriented, open communication.

Princeton China Initiative(普林斯顿中国学社) $125,000 To provide an effective forum for free expression and to stimulate liberal debate on China’s international role. Princeton China Initiative will publish China in Perspective Magazine, which will provide a pluralistic platform for Chinese writers to discuss issues related to comparative democratization, Chinese foreign policy making, responsible international behavior, and nationalism.

Princeton China Initiative(普林斯顿中国学社) $15,200 To promote human rights in China. The Princeton China Initiative will carry out a broad program of support for human rights projects to enhance transparency, accountability, legal knowledge, and access to justice.

Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center(南(内)蒙古人权讯息中心) $88,000 To advance the human rights of ethnic Mongols living in the Southern Mongolia region of China. SMHRIC will report on the human rights conditions in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, also known as Southern Mongolia, through its website and its English and Mongolian language electronic publication, Southern Mongolian Watch.

Wei Jingsheng Foundation, Inc. (魏京生基金会) $54,300 To promote awareness among Chinese workers of their rights and to inform the international community on the labor rights situation in China. The Foundation will continue its outreach through its website, continued distribution of information to China, and frequent interviews with the international and Chinese press.

* Indicates Department of State funding beyond NED’s annual appropriation (中译文:星号表示美国国务院资助而非美国民主基金会的年资助——三妹译)The grant listings posted here are from the 2009 Annual Report, published in June 2010. (中译文:此处列出的资助金清单来自二0一0年六月发表的二00九年年度报告——三妹译)


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