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送交者: 不真不善难忍[布衣] 于 2017-06-24 15:28 已读 1010 次  


Trump Invites His Employees To Praise Him During Cabinet Meeting 

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/trump-cabinet-meeting_us_593ebc52e4b0c5a35ca1acbe Trump Invites His Employees To Praise Him During Cabinet Meeting Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty. 06/12/2017 13:39 EDT | Updated 06/13/2017 09:13 EDT Igor Bobic Associate Politics Editor, HuffPost President Donald Trump invited his top employees to shower him with compliments on Monday. They happily obliged, one-by-one, on live television. During a Cabinet meeting at the White House, the president touted the “record-setting pace” of his legislative agenda and claimed “never has there been a president, with few exceptions” who has accomplished more while in office. Trump then went around the table and called on each official to deliver brief remarks, beginning with Vice President Mike Pence. The bizarre scene that ensued resembled something out of North Korea, as each Cabinet official attempted to outdo one another with nice statements about their boss. “It’s the greatest privilege of my life to serve as vice president to a president who is keeping his word to the American people, and assembling a team that’s bringing real change, real prosperity, real strength back to our nation,” Pence said. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao touted the success of “Infrastructure Week,” noting that “hundreds and hundreds of people were so thrilled” by the president’s visit to the Department of Transportation last week. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, who has publicly broken with her boss on a number of issues, hailed Trump’s message to the world as transformational and called it a “new day” at the U.N.  “I think the international community knows we’re back,” she added.“Thank you,” Trump responded. “It’s true.”  U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer apologized for the delay in his confirmation to the post. “First of all, I want to apologize for being late for work. For four months, I got bogged down in the swamp that you want to drain,” he said, to laughter in the room.  Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue touted his recent trip to rural America.“While we are bragging about international travel I just got back from Mississippi and they like you there,” he said, after others in the room mentioned traveling abroad. White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, who appears to be under constant threat of losing his job, thanked the president for “the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda.” CIA Director Mike Pompeo, however, took a pass by taking a shot at the president’s favorite punching bag: the press.“In the finest tradition of the CIA, I’m not gonna say a damn thing in front of the media,” he said, garnering a round of laughter. Trump then ended the public portion of the meeting by thanking reporters and photographers who were there, some of whom shouted questions about former FBI Director James Comey. The president did not respond,however, and White House aides ushered the press out of the room. Watch footage of the Cabinet meeting above. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) mocked the president with a video parody of the meeting Monday afternoon. An aide to the senator even channeled Priebus by thanking Schumer for the “opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda.” This article has been updated with Schumer’s parody. 网友评论: DarkMinion First thing that comes to mind is North Korea, where all public officials praise Kim Jong un whether right or wrong. This is no different and it's very disgusting. Rather then face criticism and find solutions, he has his employees praise him like a child. Devraj Ray it's not just the fact they have to praise him - it's equally disturbing that he genuinely looks like my 6 year old cousin reading his homework to me. even down to the "yes I made it through three sentences without a mistake" proud look to the stupid hand gestures. what the fuck is going on Erika Friesen This is incredible and unprecedented! Trump is orchestrating a big round of ass kissing for himself and his Cabinet are delivering as required! Robert Shilling I have never agreed with all of what any president does, but it is hard to watch this suck up, Aren't I great shit from all his spineless cabinet members. This is hitleresque when cabinet members cannot voice their honest opinion. Unreal, but real, REAL SCARRY! Courtney Henley This is some crazy weird shit! Whole cabinet is batshit crazy. And for this fool with a majority in both houses of Congress to keep claiming the Democrats is laughable! This was like an episode of "The Apprentice" all this ass kissing was pathetic and I laughed my ass off. Did he script this for each of them? holdmybeer Bunch of swamp monsters. Republicans, the party that wants to party like it's 1899.
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