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中国驻美大使在bilderberg meeting和美国人谈什么呢?
送交者: 长毛腊肉[布衣] 于 2017-06-01 19:50 已读 387 次  


https://www.theguardian.com/us-n ... tion-secret-meeting


The invitation list for this year’s conference is a veritable covfefe of big-hitters from geopolitics, from the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, to the king of Holland, but perhaps the most significant name on the list is Cui Tiankai, China’s ambassador to the US.

According to the meeting’s agenda, “China” will be discussed at a summit attended by the Chinese ambassador, the US commerce secretary, the US national security adviser, two US senators, the governor of Virginia, two former CIA chiefs – and any number of giant US investors in the country, including the heads of the financial services firms the Carlyle Group and KKR. Oh, and the boss of Google.

有美国贸易部长,国家安全顾问,两个参议院,两个前CIA情报头子,这tmd是要谈啥?文贵会不会谈到? 文贵要被卖了?
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