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送交者: 除魔[布衣] 于 2016-09-19 2:22 已读 78 次  


回答: 逝者何辜,受此攻击 ,善意何在? 由 独行逍遥 于 2016-09-19 1:58


Political ties to the People's Republic of China[edit]
Pak was an overseas executive director of the China Overseas Exchange Association (COEA), an organization overseen by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office (OCAO) of the State Council of the People's Republic of China.[1] At various times she spoke out in favor of the Chinese government's views, e.g. in 2012 calling all "overseas Chinese" to "defend the homeland” in the conflict about the Diaoyu Islands, and in 2008 opposing a resolution of the SF Board of Supervisors that criticized China for the Tiananmen Square massacre and other repression measures, passed on occasion of the Beijing Summer Olympics torch relay reaching San Francisco.[12][1]
Rose Pak was critical of the Falun Gong movement in San Francisco and, in 2004, banned the group from participating in the city's annual Chinese New Year's Parade.[2] The group and others, including San Francisco Supervisor Chris Daly, subsequently alleged that Pak has connections to the Chinese Communist Party.[13] Pak consistently denied any ties with Beijing.[2] In an August 2011 interview with the New Tang Dynasty Television and Epoch Times, former San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin made similar allegations, claiming that Pak was "the real leader of San Francisco", and that she represented outside governmental interests that "include the People's Republic of China."[14][15]
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