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送交者: 寒水[布衣] 于 2015-01-25 9:49 已读 81 次  


回答: 美国英国还有欧洲国家的制度的确脱胎于希腊罗马 由 寒水 于 2015-01-25 9:31

Romans' system, like their culture, religion, was more or less copied from the Greek. There were two consels with equal power elected by the citizens (male and mostly with Roman blood called patricians and mostly from the Rome city not the entire empire). The two concels can only serve one year at a time. Consels appoint members of senate, which are mostly rich people (imagine why), senate can created law and appoint government officials. The ordinary people can make popular assembly, which represent poor people. they can make laws and reject government proposed by senate.
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