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英国警察清除占据议会广场的抗议者 网民如何评论
送交者: Hase_DA[布衣] 于 2014-11-02 12:05 已读 336 次  


Vizier 20 Oct 2014 355(支持)

So the British police are no different to the 'repressive' Chinese police, it seems.


Charlie McConnochie 回复Vizier 20 Oct 2014 117(支持)

Never were ...


CompassionateTory 回复Vizier 20 Oct 2014 272(支持)

British police are worse, it seems.

We can't have blatant displays of legitimate democratic protest and free speech in Parliament Square, old sport. It's just not cricket.


KriegersClones 回复Vizier 20 Oct 2014 31(支持)

You know it was UK cops who trained the HK police, right?


CompassionateTory 20 Oct 2014 79(支持)

'Fuck them and their law'.


BWhale 回复CompassionateTory 20 Oct 2014 318(支持)

The chinese government must be scratching their heads wondering how they left their protestors for weeks and were called oppressive, our police state gives 24 hours and is seen as a beacon of democracy.

This country really is one big corporate joke.

Democracy my arse.


BWhale 回复 CompassionateTory 20 Oct 2014 184(支持)

Possessing items that could be used for sleeping in Parliament Square was made illegal under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.

This country is behind parody. There is no nation around that is so sly in how it suppresses democracy and protest. Absolute professionals at control and suppression.

The police state and surveillance state must be fought.




r002you 20 Oct 2014 258(支持)

Police have been harassing and beating on the peaceful protesters in parliament sq for at least 2 days now, yet the protests in Hong Kong are bigger news, come on Guardian get your act together!


eddyt66回复r002you 20 Oct 2014 190(支持)

I had no idea there were protesters in Parliament Square until today. Why hasn't the Guardian been reporting it?


Bobnessuk1 20 Oct 2014 293(支持)

So, this has been going on for 3 days and this is the first thing I have read about this 'occupation' in the media.

It wasn't censored was it?


johnmcrae 20 Oct 2014 219(支持)

I saw this demonstration as I passed by Parliament Square today and wondered why it hadn't been reported. This is why we need what they still seem to call "social media" - to democratise the news that editors wilfully keep from us.

我今天经过议会广场才看到这次示威,而且很好奇为什么没有被报道。这就是为什么我们需要那些他们自称社会媒体的媒体。- 致那些编辑故意隐瞒我们的自由媒体。
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