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苏格兰独立公投 就一政治笑话 呵呵
送交者: 白糖糖[★中农★] 于 2014-09-18 20:10 已读 436 次  


看看本质 谁可以参加苏格兰独立公投呐? 根据下面原文链接,所有英联邦和欧盟国家住在苏格兰的都可以参投。意思大家清楚了, 下次新疆,西藏,香港公投也可照‘民主’英国制办理, 中国人多呵呵。 http://www.yesscotland.net/answers/who-can-vote-referendum-scottish-independence Who can vote in the referendum on Scottish independence?

Answer:  The list of those who are eligible to vote in the referendum is almost the same as for elections to the Scottish Parliament and local authorities, but with the addition of 16 and 17 year olds.  Remember that you must register with your local electoral registration office to be able to vote - simple instructions about how to do this can be found on the Electoral Commission website. The following groups of people can register to vote in the referendum:British citizens resident in Scotland.Qualifying Commonwealth citizens resident in Scotland. This means Commonwealth citizens who either have leave to remain in the UK or do not require such leave, and are resident in Scotland.Citizens of the Republic of Ireland and other EU countries resident in Scotland.Members of the House of Lords resident in Scotland.Service/Crown personnel serving in the UK or overseas in the Armed Forces or with Her Majesty’s Government who are registered to vote in Scotland.
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