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Apparently, this article lacks statistics
送交者: 羊肉串儿[布衣] 于 2014-05-13 11:34 已读 189 次  


回答: 印度人亲身考察中国两年半:中国人比印度人辛苦多了! 由 一条汉子 于 2014-05-11 0:18

which is extremely important in the comparison.  

Point 4 claims that India got a higher level of avg. salary than China. But, surprisingly, it doesn't provide any figures to support the idea. 

However,by a quick search on Wiki, we can clearly see the avg. monthly wage difference between India and China in 2009 (Wiki didn't give the figures of recent years). Indian got a avg. monthly wage of US$296,while the figure is US$656 in China, almost as double at that in India. 
You may want to see the following wiki article for more details.


I'm not trying to imply that China is better than India in some way. I just can't bear the bullshiting of this lousy article.
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