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日耳曼 眼中的三六九等.
送交者: davidwt[布衣] 于 2014-03-15 19:20 已读 101 次  


回答: 美国人眼中的三六九等 由 花样美男 于 2014-03-15 18:22

Based on what this article suggests:  As Such,

1.Deutschland including Swiss, Austria are not willing to be the second class. So they could only keep fxxking Russian and East European women but no mixed race appear.

2.Nihongo is not willing to be third class. So they keep fxxcking the rest of Asia women brutally but no mix race appear except a portion of Taiwanese.

3.WWII has been ended since 1945. But a re-play seems to be on the way in a modified format. Still going.


三六九 is now better off being classified in an enterprise entity, such as EXXON, SHELL, SAMSUNG, QQ etc.

The reason for re-classification is as follows:

Not quite sure the USA herself is still in INNER circle of the first class due to a mixed-race president exists now. So is British herself all mixed up by Russian, Chinese and Indian tycoons and out-law as well. So Scotland is now wanting to be independent. So Quebec is now wanting to be independent.

It is believed that Australia and Canada which follow the traditions of the Queen are qualified to live in a world of Liberal Art and Sound Humanity.  

Perhaps the new Canada's policy regarding immigration is all about this issue to the large extent.  This wraps up what happens for the last 500 years regardless.
Can anyone predict what would happen in next 500 years from a Geo-political point of view?
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